Monday, March 17, 2014

Posted by A Fugal Diva, WHAT!?!?!? | File under : , , , ,
Hey all!  I have decided I need to finally tell my story of how and why I now vape and stopped smoking.  I have vowed to be a part of the #IMPROOF Movement.  I made this vow in November of 2013 though I had quit smoking in March of 2013. This is my story of why I made the decision to quit and start vaping. 

I have tried to quit smoking many times through out my 23 years of smoking.  I tried the patch, the gum, "cold turkey", I even tried using sunflower seeds to help with the hand to mouth habit, I could not commit to any of it, nothing helped at all.  I have a family history of cancer, all different types.  My grandma-ma had passed away from COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), I was very close to her to the point that I called her mom, She was my best friend and my confidante.  She was a smoker ever since I can remember so was my grandfather (her husband).  I have many smokers in my family, even now, but I am working on getting them to quit smoking and start vaping as well.  Anyway back to why I quit...   I was in the medical field and I saw a lot of stuff but watching my grandma-ma suffer from COPD was one of the worse things I ever saw. The pain she felt, the inability to breath, the weakness she suffered everyday.  I didn't live with her the whole time she was sick so I didn't see everything, I also didn't see how badly she declined towards the end, due to living in another city.  I did visit her, but I still didn't see everything.  I love her and I miss her dearly!  

I went to church and I saw a bunch of people vaping, I knew a little about it but not much.  So, I started asking questions and found out a couple I go to church with own a vapor store. I went into the shop one day got more information and tried a few tobacco flavors then I went home and decided to talk to my youngest son about it (He was 16 and was a smart ass LOL).  I asked him if he would be OK with me vaping instead of smoking. I then stopped and looked at him and asked if he even knew what that meant.  He told me "yes, MOM!?!?  I have friends who do it.  And I have seen people at school as well as other places using those vapor thingys."  I laughed at this response and asked WTH, kids at school doing it.  I told him kids shouldn't be doing it and they really shouldn't be doing it at school either.  He agreed with me and also told me not to worry he won't do it, he has no desire to smoke or vape.  So, the next week I went back to the shop and got my starter kit.  I told my son that was part of his 17th birthday gift, he smiled and said he was happy with that.

I had started with a sweet tobacco flavor with a 36 nic level, 3 months later I went to a 30 nic level then 5 months later to a 24 nic level.  I have just recently went to an 18 nic level and I am still satisfied with vaping.  I have been vaping for one year and I am really glad I started.  As you have seen, in this blog, I have now turned it into a hobby.  =}   I go to the pool hall for league night and there are other vapers as well as smokers too, I smell like a bar when I leave.  I have to get my stinky clothes off as soon as I get home, my hair, clothes and purse smells like smoke.  I now know why my mother always picked on me about smelling so bad, when I smoked.  I will not go back to smoking again!  I am SO happy that I decided to quit and start vaping.  I am also very happy that my other half has been very supportive as well, he smoked when we went out and some times when he drove long distances, but he is now a social vaper.  So there are no longer any smokers in the house.  

Like I said I had already tried to quit multiple times, then with my grandma-ma's situation, me wanting to be here longer for my son and making a promise to my son, I became a vaper.  So, I am part of the #IMPROOF Movement!

I have helped others, I have been called a Vape adviser LOL, I am willing to help anyone who is wanting to quit smoking.  I help others by giving them as much information as they need to point them in the right direction, from what starter kit to choose to what juice flavors and tobacco flavors to start on, as well as what nic levels they may want to try out first.  I love helping others and if being a "vape adviser" helps them quit smoking, then I'm all for it.  =}

I will update this posting later with a pic with the #IMPROOF Movement sticker but here are the links to check the #IMPROOF Movement out.


Website :

***Disclaimer***  I am not gaining anything by posting this, I am just telling my story***

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva 


  1. Have you ever tried one of those vapor pipes (
    ) It's the best think ever!

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