Saturday, March 8, 2014

I went into Elite Vapor in Round Rock Texas, I was half ass greeted.  There was only one person working and I was the only person in the shop.  The shop smelled like a generic vapor shop, kind of new but you could definitely smell the tobacco scents as well.   They had great glass display and they were not cluttered or too stuffed to over whelm a new vaper.  I noticed there was any thing from your basic ego/kanger/vision starter kits all the way to expensive mods. There were 2 stations 1 in the front for fruity and desert juice flavors the 1 in the back was for tobacco and drinks, it looked like it was suppose to be set up like a social lounge.   Each flavor was in a small tank, 1.6 Ml tank. They where on a lazy susan and marked for each flavor.  There were suppose to be silicone tips for you to use to try each flavor, but there were not any silicon tip covers, not a single one.   The premium flavors were in a case you had to ask for them, the only premium juice he let me try was a Suicide Bunny and that was it, just one. As, I was there 2 guys walked in and they were greeted right away and then the guy conversed with them, unlike with me.

This is the view from the back of their shop...

This is the set up of one of the "flavor stations"... (tobacco and drinks)  as you can tell there is a cup in the center, that is where the silicon tip covers are suppose to be and there is not a single one in there. I don't know if I'm the only one or not, my I think there should be a way to get them out (when they are in there) other then your hands, I don't want to grab one and stick it to my lips after everyone else has had there grubby hands in there. (just my opinion)

I did try a few of their flavors after wiping down the tips with an antibacterial wipe, but I couldn't tell the difference in them.  The tobacco flavors smelled and tasted the same, the dessert flavors also the same way. The juices have not been perfected, I'm not sure what the owner of this shop wanted out of this product but it seems like it was more about quantity and not quality.  So, my verdict is not good on this place.  I don't want to do any bad reviews, but I promise you guys I would always be honest.

This is there menu, it is spiral bind and has their juice flavors in it along with the premium juice they carry, I took a pic of the page that has their pricing.

I did get some silica and wire so I can rebuild my coil on my Nimbus clone for juice testing/tasting. I also bought a colorful drip tip (after leaving there I went to another shop and found the same tip 3 bucks cheaper)  The prices for certain things are in comparison to other shops, but there are other things that are more expensive.

This is the drip tip I picked up...

It matches my JWrap As you can tell it doesn't fit
Perfect in my Protank2
I want to say again I don't really want to drop negative reviews, but I can't be anything but honest.  So, yes this is a negative review. You can check them out for yourself and see what you think, but I will not return, there are so many more shops popping up in the area so I will do more reviews good or bad on many more.

***Disclaimer***  The opinions in this post are my own and no one else, I did not and am not gaining anything from doing a review on this shop.  I purchased the items I got from this shop and not at any discount, I paid their prices.

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

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