Thursday, April 24, 2014

I received a few vapes from The Vapor Room and I wanted to let them steep a little longer before doing any reviews on them.  I noticed when I opened the package they were sent in there was not a strong smell, so figured steeping would be a good idea.  

Lemon Meringue  - "Just like the filling of a lemon-meringue pie. The perfect mixture of a lemon custard filling with a fluffy meringue topping."  - I was disapointed with this juice, I didn't get any type of flavor from it except maybe a chemical type flavor, so I let this steep for a while and still not flavor came though.

Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble  - "This Blueberry type flavor combines the fresh and sweet tanginess of wild blueberries, a pinch of fresh cinnamon, and a freshly crumbled pie crust." - I didn't like this juice that much, I got the cinnamon and nothing else, I was surprised the blueberry did not come through at all.  I steeped this juice just as long as the rest I received from The Vapor Room and I still was not satisfied with the juice being a blueberry crumble.

I still have a few more vapes from The Vapor Room to review, so keep a look out for them.  You can check The Vapor Room out on their website...

I will have more juice reviews coming soon,  Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  - 

*** Disclaimer ***  I was sent these juices for review purposes, I did not pay any thing for these bottles, I only gained this juice for the reviews. 

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

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