Friday, May 9, 2014

Hey Everyone!  I finally did it, I broke down and bought Stripper Cake by Insane E-Liquid.  I watch Mod Envy every Saturday night and they rave about how awesome Stripper Cake is.  So, after a while of wondering if it is as awesome as they say, I went ahead and ordered a 15ml bottle of it.  I ordered it on May 4th and it was delivered to me on May 8th, that is really fast shipping, I was pleasantly surprise to get it that fast.  Insane E-Liquid has 10 flavors and I will have to get the other one that the guy over at Mod Envy rave about. Now on to the juice...

Stripper Cake - Imagine a sweet vanilla frosted creamy smooth cake dripping with strawberries, hint of blueberry and you have yourself a tasty piece of STRIPPER CAKE..... You might just find yourself twirling around a pole!  *stripper not included -  A ripe sweet strawberry vape that is an ADV (all day vape).  On the inhale there is a nice sweetness then the ripe strawberry rolls across your tongue, on the exhale there is a nice sweet and ripe strawberry mixed with a sweet vanilla cake.  The cake isn't real prevalent, its a hint of it, I can see what all the hype is about with this vape.  Stripper Cake is an awesome vape, I love strawberry vapes and when they are a sweet strawberry I can't resist.  I have had this juice for a few days and it is all I have vaped. If you have not had it, you have to try!

I have to apologize for the picture, it did not photograph well, the brick wall in the back ground really came through... 

You can check out Insane E-Liquid here...

*Just a note - I did NOT let this juice steep, I have half a bottle left, I will be letting it steep and see if the sweet cake flavor gets stronger.  If the flavor becomes more developed as a cake flavor I will do an update.*

*** Disclaimer***  I did pay for this juice, I was not asked to do the review, I did it out of my own accord.  My reviews are always honest and are my own opinion.  

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hello Everyone!  I got some vapemail from Vapes of Wrath and I got a surprise.  I received 2 bottles of juice and a Vapes of Wrath Zombie Kit.  The Zombie Kit is a limited edition and custom made for Vapes of Wrath, there will be 3 different colors.  The next on will be out in the spring, I plan on collecting all 3 and I can't wait to see what they all will look like.  This is the one I was sent, the first one released...

You can find the Zombie kit here...

The 2 bottles of juice Vapes of Wrath sent me were by Wicked Premium E-Liquid and Royal Vapour.

Wicked - Cookie Butter - a deliciously unusual juice reminiscent of gingerbread and a sweet butter cookie biscuit - Holy gingerbread!!!  This juice taste like strong bitter and sweet taste of a freshly baked gingerbread cookie.  I don't really get the sweet butter cookie at all.  I can say I am not really a fan, but if you love gingerbread, the flavor is there and this maybe a good juice for you.

Royal Vapour - Queen Cobbler - decadent peach cobbler - I am from the south, I have had peach cobbler in may different ways, I make a spiced peach cobbler that has been spiced with a German wine.  I say this because I don't get any kind of peach cobbler from this juice, I am sad to say this because I really was hoping it would have at least a hint of that flavor in it.  I do get a spices flavor like allspice which can be used in cobblers.

Honestly I think both of these juices taste really close to each other.  I had my other half try them both as well and he agreed with me that they taste really close.  

I am using the Zombie machine with my bridge-less atty to test it and the juice out, it works great.  I will have to put it back in the box now and keep it for display purposes on my juice shelf.  =}

Go check out Vapes of Wrath they carry other juice from Space Jam, DNA, Mastermind, Five Pawn and a few more, as well as starter kits, beautiful high end mods, tanks and attys.  Check them out here

Also if you in or are in the LA area go every 4th Friday they have a vapor party.  If you scroll all way to the bottom of there page there is a coupon code for you to use on their products.  (may not always be there) 

Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  - 

*** Disclaimer ***  I was sent these juices for review purposes, I did not pay any thing for these bottles or the kit, I only gained this juice and the kit for review purposes.  

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I have been thinking about having a few guest speakers on here and thought what would be a better guest speaker then someone I advocated for and got them to quit smoking.  I have a family friend that I have know since I was a kid, I asked him if he would tell his story and let me post it on my page.  He didn't have a problem doing it, so here is his story...


Well I started smoking when I was 14yrs old. I started because I thought it was kinda cool looking, and maybe even a little sexy. All the “cool” kids were doing it so I thought I had better do it to (don’t want to be the “geek of the week”). I gradually work my addiction up to about a pack and a half a day.
             I never tried to quit, even though the doctor’s all said it would help ease my back pain (spinal stenosis). I would laugh at people who told me that “those things stink”, or “your gonna hafta go outside to smoke…it bugs me”. Everybody was smoking so get over it! Right???
             Then one day I see some vaporizers hanging on people’s necks and stuff, so I start to research it a little. Next thing I know Dawn comes to San Antonio for a funeral and hands me a starter kit. I think it was late January of 2014.
              I haven’t had a cigarette since! I’m now 47 yrs old and I can actually breathe a little again, not to mention how wonderful it is to actually taste stuff again. Also, would you believe that the Dr. actually got it right? My back pain has decreased…not a lot…but it has and (fingers crossed) I hope, will continue to do more so.
             When people say that vaping is not a habit it’s a hobby….you better believe it! I’ve never had so much fun trying new juices, buying new mods, meeting new people, and hanging out at my favorite local vape store (Texas Vape Stores). That starter kit got passed on to a friend in like 2 weeks, I had to have the VTR. Now I have the VTR and the SVD from Innokin. I have gone from a 30 nic level to a 6 nic level in just the 4 months I've been vaping.  I even got Dawn's uncle a K100 for a great price! Now I’m making stands for my friends, and some hand turned drip tips!
             Thank you so much Dawn for helping me stop smoking and setting me on the right path to good health! Love you like family girl!

Story by - Matt K. - San Antonio TX

I saw how quitting smoking changed my life and I am so glad I quit, but to get others to quit and start vaping is a pretty good feeling.  I love to advocate others, to help them quit, start vaping, direct them to the right device to start off with as well as companies, shop and ejuice.  I  love helping others, it is such a reward to see them vaping and be successful with the change.  I have been luck to help a handful of people and plan on helping more.  If there is anyone out there who needs help just ask, ask a vaper, ask me, go to a shop and ask questions, lets all kick the ash and make our path to a healthier us...

Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  -

***Disclaimer***  This is a personal story, nothing was gained by either party for this post.  The person telling the story is 18+ years old***

If anyone is interested in doing a guest spot please contact me at AustinVaporCommunity@Gmail.Com.

Posted by - Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hey Everyone!  I was send the whole line of Carnival Ejuice a little while back, but I usually let my juice steep before I do any reviews on it.  So, now that it has been steeping for a bit, it is time to do the reviews. Carnival Ejuice has 5 flavors in their line and are all made in the USA.

Cotton Candy Crush - "Who can resist the taste of sweet blueberry and cotton candy"

Ringmaster - "What can beat the fresh taste of juicy orange and strawberry on a warm day"

Bozo Berry - "A prefect blend of delicious wild berries"

Fun House - "A refreshing mix of tropical fruits makes for a great all day vape"

Strongman - "A delicious blend of strawberry and banana with our secret ingredient delivers a fruit smoothie taste" 

Cotton Candy Crush "Who can resist the taste of sweet blueberry and cotton candy" -  This juice is a sweet blueberry flavor, it is smooth and sweet.  I can see how the flavor can remind you of cotton candy, this is the only juice I have tasted to date that the flavor actually resembles a cotton candy flavor.  If you like a sweet smooth blueberry or you like cotton candy you gotta try this one.  

Ringmaster "What can beat the fresh taste of juicy orange and strawberry on a warm day" - This juice has a great refreshing orange flavor!  The strong, sweet juicy orange flavor on the inhale and the strawberry is more of a back note on the exhale.  At a 12 nic this juice is still smooth on a little atty.  I have been looking for a nice, sweet smooth orange flavor, I have tried a lot of them and I have to give props to Carnival for making Ringmaster!  I will be putting it in my rotation. 

Carnival Ejuice comes in a 17 ml for 12 bucks, their nic levels are 0, 6, 12, and 18, I got my received mine in a 12 nic level.  You can check them out at

I changed it up a little bit, I tried all the juice on a new little atty that I picked up from ZampleBox (it's a monthly subscription box, reviews will come at a later date)  I usually use my Nimbus RBA with a single coil. Here is the little atty -

Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  - 

*** Disclaimer ***  I was sent these juices for review purposes, I did not pay any thing for these bottles, I only gained this juice for the reviews.  I bought the atty, it was not sent to me for review.

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hey everyone!!!   I went to a vape meet the Dripping Misphitz Meat and Juice Jam at The Vapor Project here in Austin and I had a great time!  I am a little embarrassed to say it was my first vape meet, but I WILL be attending more!  The Vapor Project was packed, there was people and clouds from wall to wall, as well as so many people out side.  There was food, drinks, cloud contest, raffles, live streams, "swag" and so much juice, oh so much juice.  There were a bunch of guest from different juice lines like Jason's Juice Joint, Ruckus Elixirs, Wacky Vapes, The Standard, The Steam Factory and so many more.  They also had a bunch of juice to give away either as a raffle or like a door prize for showing up like Axiom, Five Pawns, Buckshot, Villain Vapors, Elysian Elixirs and many more.  

I didn't win any of the raffles but I did walk away with a bit of swag as well as some juice, ok a lot of juice. Here are some pictures from the meet today...

Juice Bar
 The juice bar had all the flavors or juice that they carry, they gave you a ego style along with individually wrapped  silicone tip cover (tip condom) and you could pick and choose which flavors you wanted to try. (review coming in the near future on the The Vapor Project and what they carry)

In the back looking out

In the back looking out


By the door looking in
I am posting only a few cloud contest pics, I have many of them, there were different cloud contests.  If you want to see the contests you will have to go to the meets to see them...  =}
This is a friend of mine S.A. in the cloud contest

Look at that distance

Live streaming!!!  and yes if you were watching you saw me  =}  I was the red head with pink hair!  
Vaping Bunnies and OutCast Vaping
I am not posting all my pictures, not only will this post be too long but you have to go to see and feel the excitement!  

Now lets get to the swag!!!  I got 2 shirts, a few vendors stickers and a bunch of juice the nic levels are mostly 0 and 6, but I was lucky to get at least one that was a 12 nic level. I will not pass up any juice, I might find something I really like and I'm going to start dripping, so the lower nic levels will be great for that and my other half vapes a lower nic level then I do.  =}

Vendor stickers
 All 30 Ml bottles
Forged box and bottle in box 30 ML bottle
10 or 15 Ml bottles
My lone 5 ML bottle =}
Dripping Misphitz hosted a great event at The Vapor Project and I had a great time. I am so glad I went and I plan on attending the next one. I only have one complaint, This has nothing to to with Dripping Misphitz or The Vapor Project, its the attendees, (a small amount of attendees) please be aware of what you are doing and the smaller people and don't be rude.

Thank you Dripping Misphitz, The Vapor Project, Chicks with Wicks, Vaping Bunnies (live stream), OutCast Vaping (live stream), all the vendors that sent juice and all the vendors that attended!  

Hey Guys let me know if you would like me to do any reviews on any of the juice I got at the meet.  Everything I received was in the pictures above, just leave me comments and let me know to do reviews of the juice.

Check you Dripping Misphitz on FaceBook at

Check out The Vapor Project at

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***Disclaimer***  I attended this meet and did this review on my own accord.  I was not asked to do any review or to post pictures, nor was I compensated for this review. I did receive juice from the meet but they were not given to me for review purposes.   I am honest in this review just like all the other reviews I do.

Posted by Dawn  -  TexasMommaDiva 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I received a few vapes from The Vapor Room and I wanted to let them steep a little longer before doing any reviews on them.  I noticed when I opened the package they were sent in there was not a strong smell, so figured steeping would be a good idea.  

Lemon Meringue  - "Just like the filling of a lemon-meringue pie. The perfect mixture of a lemon custard filling with a fluffy meringue topping."  - I was disapointed with this juice, I didn't get any type of flavor from it except maybe a chemical type flavor, so I let this steep for a while and still not flavor came though.

Blueberry Cinnamon Crumble  - "This Blueberry type flavor combines the fresh and sweet tanginess of wild blueberries, a pinch of fresh cinnamon, and a freshly crumbled pie crust." - I didn't like this juice that much, I got the cinnamon and nothing else, I was surprised the blueberry did not come through at all.  I steeped this juice just as long as the rest I received from The Vapor Room and I still was not satisfied with the juice being a blueberry crumble.

I still have a few more vapes from The Vapor Room to review, so keep a look out for them.  You can check The Vapor Room out on their website...

I will have more juice reviews coming soon,  Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  - 

*** Disclaimer ***  I was sent these juices for review purposes, I did not pay any thing for these bottles, I only gained this juice for the reviews. 

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva

Friday, April 18, 2014

Hey Everyone!  As you know Tex from sent me some juice and I am a little behind on my reviews so I need to get back in gear.  I want to first apologize to you and to Tex for being so far behind. I am now back on track...  So, here is my first juice review for

I was sent the whole juice line and each one are made to his personal taste.  He originally made the juice for personal use, but his friends were very supportive of his flavors and talked him into making them available for the public.  I am so glad I was given the opportunity to review his juice, I now have a few flavors in my rotation of flavors.

Midnight Skinny Dip  -  "White Chocolate and Strawberry eJuice!  No clothes required!" - This is a fun vape, I say that because the flavor seems to change. You get a ripe strawberry flavor, then a sweet strawberry, it seems simple but its not, in my opinion. The strawberry is prevalent , it taste like an actually strawberry, the sweet, juicy and tart flavor nothing like an artificial strawberry flavor  and the white chocolate peeks out at times making it sweeter.  I enjoy this vape a lot, I didn't know I would become a fan of strawberry vape, but Tex-Vape has a few different strawberry ones that I have now put in my rotation of favorites.  This juice is an ADV for those of you who like a really strawberry flavor

MILF  - "This Strawberry Cream is the Mother of all Milk eJuices!!  Now you can vape your MILF all night long!" - There are two words that come to mind with this juice, well there are more, but on first taste these words come to mind.  Strawberry Milk!!!  There is no denying the flavor of this one, the creamy, sweet strawberry milk is on the inhale and the exhale, it takes me back to when I was drinking strawberry milk as a kid.  I also have put this juice in my rotation.  Milf is an ADV as well!

You can check out Juice here:

I will have juice reviews coming soon,  Follow this blog by email to get notification of a new posting - follow by email is on the right.  You can also follow our FaceBook page  -

*** Disclaimer ***  I was sent these juices for review purposes, I did not pay any thing for these bottles, I only gained this juice for the reviews. 

Posted by Dawn - TexasMommaDiva