Friday, May 9, 2014

Hey Everyone!  I finally did it, I broke down and bought Stripper Cake by Insane E-Liquid.  I watch Mod Envy every Saturday night and they rave about how awesome Stripper Cake is.  So, after a while of wondering if it is as awesome as they say, I went ahead and ordered a 15ml bottle of it.  I ordered it on May 4th and it was delivered to me on May 8th, that is really fast shipping, I was pleasantly surprise to get it that fast....

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hello Everyone!  I got some vapemail from Vapes of Wrath and I got a surprise.  I received 2 bottles of juice and a Vapes of Wrath Zombie Kit.  The Zombie Kit is a limited edition and custom made for Vapes of Wrath, there will be 3 different colors.  The next on will be out in the spring, I plan on collecting all 3 and I can't wait to see what they all will look like.  This is the one I was sent, the first one released... You...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I have been thinking about having a few guest speakers on here and thought what would be a better guest speaker then someone I advocated for and got them to quit smoking.  I have a family friend that I have know since I was a kid, I asked him if he would tell his story and let me post it on my page.  He didn't have a problem doing it, so here is his story... =========================================================== Well I started smoking when I was 14yrs old. I started because I thought it was kinda cool looking, and maybe even...